7. sorozat (angol)
2004.10.03. 15:05
7X01. Call To Arms
We call upon the mortal ways And gods who guide but may not stay, We seek those of divinity To separate from and set them free.
(Istenek felmentse halandsgbl)
7x02. The Bare Witch Project
From lands afar and time and space Take her now from this our place, One that dwells so must remain, Send her back to her domain.
(Godiva visszakldse a sajt idejbe)
We look to find the evil set free, Bring this demon before us three.
(Lord Dyson megidzse)
From lands afar and time and space Take them now from this our place, Two that dwell so must remain, Send them back to their domain.
(Lady Godiva s Lord Dyson visszaklde az idejkbe)
Where royals once lived, so did she, Bring forth the naked lady from the eleventh century.
(Lady Godiva s Lord Dyson megidzse)
A time for everything and everything in place, Return what has been moved from time and space.
(A "rossz" id visszalltsa)
7x03 Cheaper Bx The Coven
Hear me now, hear my cries, Spirit from the other side, Cross now the great divide.
(Szellem megiszse)
Pass your petty jealousies to darkest night Let these feuding siblings no longer fight.
(A testvri "rivalizss")
Let this girl, quick as a sneeze, Stop this snit and quickly freeze.
(Megfagyasztani valakit)
Reverse the spell from the book, And please restore what was took.
(A testvri "rivalizss" visszalltsa)
I call forth from space and time, The matriarchs from the Halliwell line, Mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, Our family's spirit without end.
(A Halliwell "anyajog" megidzse)