3. sorozat (angol)
2004.06.19. 23:41
3.01.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (The Honeymoon Is Over)
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3.02.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (The Magic Hour)
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3.03.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Once Upon A Time...)
A lnyok elmondjk a "tndrlt" igzetet:
In this 'tween time, this darkest hour We call upon this sacred power. Three together stand alone, Command the unseen to be shown. In innocence we search the skies, Enchanted are our newfound eyes.
3.04.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (All Halliwells Eve)
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3.05.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Sight Unseen)
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3.06.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Primrose Emphat)
Szabad emptia igzete:
Free the empath Release his gift Let his pain Be cast adrift
3.07.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Power Outage)
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3.08.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Sleuthing With The Enemy)
Beltazor elleni igzet (nem li mg meg):
Spirits of air, forests and sea; Set us of this demon free; Beasts of hoof and beasts of shell, Drive this evil back to Hell!
Beltazor megidzse:
Spirits of air, forests and sea; Set us of this demon free; Beasts of hoof and beasts of shell, Drive this evil back to Hell!
3.09.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Coyote Piper)
A halott visszaidzse az letbe:
Caducas exanimas vita aetas anima
Alchemist meglse:
Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone, The alchemist shall transform none, Cruel scientist of evil born, With these words face the fire's scorn
Tara meglse:
Host soul reject the poison essence Let love's light end this cruel possession
3.10.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (We All Scream For Ice Cream)
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3.11.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Blinded By The Withlighter)
Az rnyr megidzse:
Ixo mende layto semper
Eames elpuszttsa:
Time for amends and a victim's revenge Cloning power turn sour Power to change turn to strange I'm rejecting your deflection
3.12.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Wrestling With Demons)
Guiding spirits I ask your charity Lend me your focus and clarity. Lead me to the one I cannot find Restore that and my peace of mind.

- Show me the path that I cannot find To save Tom and restore Prue's peace of mind

- I return what I didn't want to find. Let it be out of sight, out of mind.
3.13.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Bride And Gloom)
- Eximo dempres anamatum
- Powers of light, magic of right Cast this blight into forever's night
3.14.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (The Good,The Bad And The Cursed)
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3.15.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Just Harried)
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3.16.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Death Takes Halliwell)
A hall angyallt idz idzet:
Spirits of air, sand and sea, Converge to set the angel free. in the wind I send this rhyme, Bring Death before me before my time
Seekers elpuszttsa:
Knowledge gained by murderous means Is wisdom's bitter enemy The mind that burns with stolen fire Will now become your funeral pyre
3.17.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Prewitched)
Familiar Warlock elpuszttsa:
Nine times this evil's cheated death, Felt no pain and kept its breath. This warlock standing in our midsts, Let him feel what he has missed.
A halott megidzse:
Beloved unknown spirit, We seek your guidance. We ask that you commune with us And move amongst us.
3.18.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Sin Frensisco)
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3.19.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (The Demon Who Came From The Cold)
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3.20.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Exit Strategy)
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3.21.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (Look Who's Barking)
Belthazor megidzse:
Magic forces black and white Reaching out through space and light Be he far or be he near Bring us the demon Belthazor here.
Banshee keresse:
The piercing cry that feeds on pain, And leaves more sorrow than it gains Shall now be heard by one who seeks To stop the havoc that it wreaks.
3.22.rsz - magyar cm ismeretlen (All Hell Break Loose)
Shax eltntetse:
Evil wind that blows That which forms below No longer may you dwell Death takes you with this spell
A fgonosz visszaforgatja az idt:
It shall be done.